Mittwoch, 12. März 2014

I am in a good mood. Everything is going as planed. My friends support me far beyond of what you would normaly ask of them and even the weather shows it sunny site so. I can ride my bicycle outsite for training.

The amount of new friends from all over the world that I made, since I started this PR-campain, is astonishing. Giancarlo Amadori form Italy, Matthew Harris from Australia, Manish Lakhani from India and Yan Jing Pak form Hongkong, just to mention a few.

We talk about past, ongoing and future projects, support us with ideas and we have fun just talking to each other. And only because we share the same passion for cycling. There are no boarders for kindred spirits.

I hope that I will meet some of them on one of my upcoming adventures.

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